Attempts to determine the influence of the installation of highly insulated windows and central heating systems on indoor climate, and mite-allergen (Der f 1) and mould spore concentrations. A before and after study was carried out on 98 apartment bedrooms, with measurements taken of air exchange rate, temperature and humidity. A lifestyle and housing conditions questionnaire was undertaken by the occupants and dust on carpets and mattresses was analysed for mould spores and Der f 1. Increases were noted in temperature and absolute humidity, Der f 1 concentrations and the thermotolerant species of fungus. The air exchange rate decreased and relative humidity remained the same.
House-dust mite allergen concentrations (Der f 1) and mould spores in apartment bedrooms before and after installation of insulated windows and central heating systems.
Bibliographic info:
Allergy, Vol 55, 2000, pp 79-83, 3 tabs, 11 refs.