Twenty terrace houses without heating system has been built in Sweden. The houses are extremely well insulated and very airtight. They are also quipped with a high efficiency ventilation heat recovery system. The total electricity consumption and the air temperature in two positions has been monitored for each of the houses on an hourly bases. Further has the environmental conditions, i.e. outdoor temperature, wind, sun etc been monitored. In six of the houses separate measurements of electricity consumption for ventilation and hot water has also been performed. The mean value of the indoor air temperatures are in most cases equivalent to or higher than those expected in houses with a heating system. The total energy use is on an average much lower than for a traditional house with a heating system, but still higher than estimated when designing the houses. The heat from household electricity consumption is in most cases more than sufficient to keep the indoor climate within acceptable limits. However, some additional heat source is required for some periods during wintertime. The conclusion is that it is possible to build well-insulated and very airtight houses without traditional heating systems in Nordic climate.
Houses withous heating systems. Evaluation of the first winter

Bibliographic info:
The 4th international conference on Cold Climat HVAC, Trondheim, Norway, June 16-18, 2003,
Paper 105 , pp 10, 4 Fig., 5 Tab, 10 Ref.