The HVAC BESTEST has been developed within the framework of the IEA (International Energy Agency) It is a comparative test method developed for estimating the ability of whole building simulation programs to model the performance of unitary space cooling equipment. HVAC BESTEST, cases E100 – E200 (14 cases), consists of a series of steady-state tests using a carefully specified mechanical system (split system) applied to a highly simplified building envelope. Two dynamic simulation programs, Clim2000 and CA- SIS, developed by the Research and Development Division of the French utility company EDF, participated in the HVAC BESTEST. Clim2000 simulation program is essentially dedicated to R&D studies. CA-SIS simulation program was developed for engineering offices studies. For the HVAC BESTEST, the split system models in Clim2000 and in CA-SIS are based on the same approach (based on performance data map normally provided by equipment manufacturers). These results will be compared with analytical solutions and results from other software. Clim2000 and CA-SIS results are in agreement.
HVAC bestest: clim2000 and CA-SIS results
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 7, 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, p. 1127-1134