The project is a design for a mixed mode system using either cross flow or stack effect natural ventilation with ceiling mounted fan coil units, in the 42,000m2 British International College campus in Yangon, Myanmar, designed by Tangram Architects in collaboration with Terrell Group Engineering. The engineering design process uses numerical models combining a commercial CFD code, Urbawind, with a dynamic thermal simulation program, Energy Plus. In today’s building engineering environment this method provides key answers at an early design stage while cost effective for both design team and client. The approach of numerical modeling at different scales not only requires specific design input adapted to the site or building, but also specific algorithms that are not contained in a single software package. Software for computing pressure coefficients at building level from a large scale model is required and also dynamic simulation software taking into account the effects of the climate on the building design. Coupling simulation software most often rests in the field of academia and remains less widespread in professional engineering companies. This approach is ideally suited to low energy building design integrating hybrid ventilation concepts, guiding the design process by giving extremely detailed answers at an early stage, saving time in the decision process and is cost effective.