Various studies demonstrate a significant impact of ductwork leakage on the fan power consumption of ventilation systems. They have shown that the total energy used by fans can be reduced by 30-50% by improving the airtightness of the ductwork system. However, most of those studies focused on non-residential and multi-family buildings. This study focuses on single-family dwellings; specifically houses.
This paper first explains why fan energy use increases with ductwork leakage and then presents a model, which is based upon (Leprince & Carrié, 2018), that is used to estimate the impact of ductwork leakage on the fan energy use of central mechanical ventilation units with heat recovery in three houses and with a DCV system in one house. The calculations have shown that fans connected to leaky ductwork (3*Class A) in the four houses use 57-169% more energy than fans connected to very airtight ductwork (Class D), if they ventilate to provide the hygienic flowrate at Air Terminal Devices.
Obviously, the harder a mechanical ventilation unit has to work to displace more air to achieve the hygienic flowrate at the Air Terminal Devices, the more sound it will produce. It is estimated that a mechanical ventilation unit with heat recovery will produce at least 2.5 dB(A) more sound pressure level in the habitable rooms whith leaky ductwork.
Impact of ductwork leakage on the fan energy use and sound production of central mechanical ventilation units in houses
Languages: English | Pages: 9 pp
Bibliographic info:
40th AIVC - 8th TightVent - 6th venticool Conference - Ghent, Belgium - 15-16 October 2019