Adeline Bailly, Franck Duboscq, Romuald Jobert
Bibliographic info:
35th AIVC Conference " Ventilation and airtightness in transforming the building stock to high performance", Poznań, Poland, 24-25 September 2014

The “VIA-Qualité” project (2013-2016) focuses on low energy, single-family dwellings. It proposes the development of quality management approaches (ISO 9001) which aim to increase both on-site ventilation and indoor air quality. One of the main benefits of those approaches is the improvement of ventilation system performance, especially thanks to a rigorous follow-up from design to installation. Efficient ventilation system performance is rewarded in the French EP-calculation, through a primary energy consumption estimation. In order to evaluate the energy impact of the proposed quality approaches, some sensitivity studies have been carried out for single humidity-controlled ventilation system. The primary energy consumption of typical single-family dwellings has been estimated along various parameters, such as:

• Ductwork airleakage

• Exhaust and incoming airflow

• Electrical fan power

• System localization (to take into account leakages in and out of heated volume).

This paper presents variations of the estimated dwellings energy consumptions as an indicator of the impact of several typical dysfunctions of ventilation systems which have been observed during different campaigns and controls.