Knowledge and estimation of the wind speed and air flow characteristics, in a city, is of vitalimportance for passive cooling applications and especially in the design of naturallyventilated buildings. This study is referred to the analysis of the wind characteristics in urbancanyons as a function of the free stream wind. The impact on the airflow rate calculation isdiscussed for an urban canyon. The goal of this study is to get a better insight of the impact ofthe urban environment on the ventilation effectiveness. For this reason a large number of dataare collected including air temperature, wind speed and direction above and at various heightsinside ten urban canyons in Athens. Two ventilation techniques are considered: single sidedand cross ventilation and three different cases are studied regarding the incidence angle of thefree stream wind to the canyon axis: (a) vertical incidence, (b) parallel incidence and (c)oblique wind. Finally a model is proposed for the simple calculation of the wind speed andair flow characteristics in urban canyons.
On the impact of the urban environment on the potential of natural ventilation.

Bibliographic info:
21st AIVC Conference "Innovations in Ventilation Technology,", Hague, Netherlands, 26-29 September 2000