The purpose of this paper is to enhance the importance of ventilation regarding energy use and stablishing methods in order to obtain as much data as possible about the behavior patterns of ventilation and infiltration in buildings.
The current Spanish regulation Royal Decree 235/2013 establishes all new-construction, rented or sold buildings must be in possession of the Energy Performance Certificate. There are several examples of dedicated software to calculate it, and the aspiration of this study is to integrate the influence of ventilation in the official Energy Performance Certificate Software developed by the Department of Energy located in the University of Seville. This new feature includes Multi-zone ventilation in pressures and Multi-zone ventilation in air flows. In addition, it allows the user to consider the effect on the demand of energy of the real pressures and air flows given in the different zones compared to the single-zone model for ventilation integrated in the official tool.
Implementation of multi-zone ventilation methodology in the Spanish energy performance certification tool

Languages: English | Pages: 15 pp
Bibliographic info:
36th AIVC Conference " Effective ventilation in high performance buildings", Madrid, Spain, 23-24 September 2015.