Attic ventilation is compared with other means of ceiling heat flux reduction in low cost housing. A simple steady state mathematical model has been run with climatic data for a summer day of Porto Alegre, Brazil. The increase inceiling thermal resistance has proved to be the best improvement, but it is expensive. The greatest proportion in ceiling heat flux reduction is in the natural ventilation range and forced ventilation adds little to it. As natural ventilation does not imply extra cost, it is very important in low cost housing and should be optimised. Further research is being carried on in anindoor test rig to analyse the phenomenon in detail.
The importance of attic ventilation.

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings of the CLIMA 2000 World Congress on Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning, Copenhagen, 25-30 August 1985. Edited by P Fanger. Vol 2. Building Design and Performance. p33-37. 3 figs, 6 refs.