Train tunnels and subways are an interesting field of ventilation. Trains move air through tunnels at rates of 600 m³/s (over 2 x 10^6 m³ per hour) which is much more than flow rates in buildings. Air pressures can vary up to some 3000 Pa leading to air velocities in the range of 10 to 50 m/s. This can lead to unsafe situations and thermal discomfort. The development of high speed trains causes more concern for better tunnel design. Modern stations often house small shops and restaurants, that require lower air velocities for thermal comfort. A dynarnical ventilation model has been made to study effects of improvements. An array of controlled fans seems to be a very effective draught remover. The dynamical model is programmed to serve as a demo to give insight in the matter and can be shown in just a couple of minutes from a PC. A copy can be requested via e-mail to Subject: Train Demo. This demo version is just intended for demonstration purposes and must not to be used for the design of real tunnels.
Improve train tunnels. A dynamical ventilation model.
Bibliographic info:
17th AIVC Conference "Optimum Ventilation and Air Flow Control in Buildings", Gothenburg, Sweden, 17-20 September 1996