School indoor air quality has become of concern recently in Korea. In this paper, it is intendedto investigate the ventilation performance and thermal comfort characteristics of a classroom,when an outdoor air system is installed in addition to a ceiling-mounted heat pump system.Experiments were conducted in a full-scale model classroom to collect experimental data tovalidate numerical schemes. Three-dimensional temperature distributions were measured withthermocouples distributed throughout the space, and ventilation effectiveness was measuredusing a tracer gas technique. CFD calculations were performed to investigate the effects ofvarious system parameters on air diffusion performance index and air change efficiency. Thispaper focuses mainly on the effect of the discharge angle of the air jets from a four-waycassetteheat pump mounted on a ceiling by the interaction with the fresh air supplied from theoutdoor air system.
Improvements of ADPI and ventilation effectiveness of a classroom by a dedicated outdoor air system
Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 528-533, 6 Fig., 1 Tab., 6 Ref.