Walkinshaw D S.
Bibliographic info:
Paper presented at Indoor Air Quality Seminar "Implications for Electric Utility Conservation Programs", Atlanta, Georgia, March 6-7 1984 and Denver, Colorado, May 1-2 1984. Proceedings Section 13, p13.1-13.19. Ottawa:National Research Council Canada,1984

Indoor air quality research in Canada is outlined. 17 indicators are being considered in drawing up air quality criteria and guidelines for residential application. They comprise: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, radon and radon decay products, formaldehyde, aldehydes, nitrogen dioxide, microbiological agents, moisture, particulates, ozone, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, lead, pesticides, aerosols, synthetic fibres and asbestos, and oxides of sulphur. The four major activites are to evaluate and develop indoor air quality health criteria and guidelines, to identify indoor air contaminant levels and their sources in buildings, to evaluate and develop indoor air quality control measures and to transfer technology. Suggests 11 priorities for study.