Since 1987, in Germany advisory centers for environmental medicine were founded. In the present study the relevance of indoor air problems in a patient collective in environmental medicine was investigated. Questionnaire data of 772 patients, who consulted the former Consulting Center of Environmental Medicine (CEM) of the Medical Institute of Environmental Hygiene at the Heinrich Heine-University Duesseldorf because of the suspicion of environment-related health disorders, were retrospectively examined regarding exposures and health effects. Indoor air factors were predominantly reasons to consult the CEM. Health disorders were mainly vegetative symptoms, headache, psychological symptoms, pain, neurological symptoms, and chronic fatigue. In 15 cases the suspicion of sick building syndrome (SBS) led to a consultation of the CEM. In conclusion, indoor air problems are main reasons to consult an advisory center for environmental medicine. Therefore, such centers must provide a competence in the specific field of indoor air exposures.
Indoor air related health disorders: experiences of an advisory center for environmental medicine

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 3, pp 120-125, 3 Fig., 1 Tab., 19 Ref.