Particle number concentrations and size distributions were measured in the living room of an unoccupied apartment located in a street canyon in central Copenhagen, in the street, and at a nearby urban background station. A simple dispersion model was used to calculate the particle concentrations outside a window facing the street from where most of the ventilation air was supplied. The penetration efficiencies and the deposition rates were estimated using the concentration rate balance, ignoring indoor sources. The analysis indicates that the deposition rate of particles in the apartment is negligible for PM10 and for particles in the size range 100 - 700 nm. In the size range below 100 nm the deposition rate increases with decreasing particle diameter to a value of approximately 1 h-1 at 10 nm. The penetration efficiency shows a maximum of 60% at 100 nm. The penetration rate for PM10 was found to be 43%.
1B3p3 IAQ characterization in urban areas: indoor to outdoor correlation
N El-Hougeiri and M El-Fadel
This study investigates indoor and outdoor air quality at public locations. Indoor and outdoor air samples were collected and analyzed for the presence of TVOC, PM, CO, NO2, and selected priority metals (Ca, Pb, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Br). Correlation between indoor and outdoor air quality were developed and compared for various constituents. Whereas priority metals concentrations were mostly below recommended standards, the concentrations of other constituents were affected by indoor and outdoor sources. The indoor-to-standard ratios for locations with indoor sources of pollution ranged between 1.5 and 3.5 compared to 0.6 to 2.78 for locations where the contribution of indoor sources is minimal. The effects of outdoor sources was reflected in terms of distance to the main road with an indoor-to-standard ratio of 1.02 to 11.8 for locations along the main road compared to 0.5 to 6.6 for locations at least one block away from the main road.
1B3p4 The impact of a ventilation system on air with different chemical composition: a study of the influence of ozone
J Fick, L Pommer, B Andersson andC Nilsson
Reactions among pollutants in the intake air can increase the concentrations of irritating and hazardous products in the indoor air and may lead to an increase of the sick building syn-drome (SBS). A short description of an experimental set-up that enables the studies of the impact of different settings of a full scale ventilation system on air with different ambient compositions is presented. Preliminary sampling using Tenax TA show that some reaction rates are increased in the experimental set-up, which could indicate that heterogenous reac-tions occur.
1B3p5 Characterisation of filter performance in relation to outdoor air quality
M Jamriska, L Morawska and T Nathanson
Airborne particle size distribution depends on the type of source from which the particles originate - filtration efficiency in turn, is dependent on particle size. Thus, in order to optimise filtration efficiency, it is important to gain knowledge on both: the size distribution of particles in the air to be filtered and the relationship between filtration efficiency and particle size. In
7 Indoor Air 2002 Abstracts
Indoor and outdoor particle measurements in a street canyon in Copenhagen

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings of Indoor Air 2002 (9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate) - June 30 - July 5, 2002 - Monterey, California - vol 1, pp , figs, refs