The adverse health effects and costs of IAQ problems could be reduced significantly with proper use and maintenance of buildings and early detection and remediation of problems.Dissemination of information is the key to these savings. Therefore, the Finnish ministries responsible for IAQ decided to launch an education and information campaign IndoorClimate 2002. The activities were coordinated by the Finnish Society of Indoor Air Qualityand Climate (FiSIAQ). Representatives of all the target groups were invited to join the work,and over 60 expert and consumer organizations responded positively. These organizations took up indoor climate issues in their activities during the campaign year by producing informative material, arranging events, giving advice and organizing education.The main results of the campaign were:
- Dissemination of information through mass media and professional journals increased the number of media hits on indoor climate by 38%.
- Fifteen local indoor climate events with 1900 participants.
- Nationwide net of 160 information stands.
- Production and distribution of informative material: 10 leaflets, 130 000 copies.
- Local networks of municipal experts in 83 (out of 450) communities.
- Over 7000 telephone and Internet enquiries answered.
- Web service
- Production of educational material and organization of professional education.
- Participation in events and trade fairs.
- Linking all interested organizations and their activities to the campaign.
The results of this campaign were good and the objectives were for the most part fulfilled