A method has been developed to investigate the comfort in office buildings. It is based onboth measurements and a questionnaire. The measurement apparatus, the so-calledAmbiometer, can record both the main comfort parameters, such as temperature, humidity,noise, light and odours, and the occupant's perceived comfort. Information regarding theindoor climate and the working environment is noted on the questionnaire.Experiments were conducted on about 50 offices in France. The analysis of results enabledus to qualify the indoor climate and to organize into a hierarchy the comfort components:discomfort is reported more often on thermal and visual aspects than on acoustic and olfactoryaspects. Relationships between physical measurement and perceived comfort have also beenestablished. Statistical analysis was carried out with regard to three discrimination factors: airconditioning, ventilation, sex. Differences in perception between men and women werenoticed: the women seemed to be more demanding and more sensitive with regard to thermalcomfort.
Indoor climate and perceived comfort in offices
Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 3, pp 195-200, 4 Fig., 1 Tab., 7 Ref.