This paper reports a number of physical indexes for the assessment of the indoorenvironmental quality of new steel truss structures, used as classrooms at the CataniaUniversity Campus (southern Italy).By means of a multi-channel recording apparatus and questionnaires filled in by thestudents, the following data were collected: indoor dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, airvelocity, mean radiant temperature, workplane illuminance, PMV, PPD, MV, MMV. On thebasis of these data, the comfort requirements are not achieved. In addition, the calculated PPDunderestimates the discomfort recorded by the questionnaires.In order to improve the environmental conditions, some technical solutions were proposedand applied in one of these classrooms. These interventions have significantly reduced theradiant thermal effects and the illuminance levels.Final remarks are made about the congruity of this kind of structures with the local climate.
Indoor conditions in ultra-lightweight structures: a case study
Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 1., pp 800-808, 7 Fig, 3 Tab., 4 Ref.