Bucakova, M.; Sehnalova, V.; Senitkova, I.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

Emissions and odors from different common indoor surface materials (waste woodenproducts, vinyl, linoleum, carpet, gypsum board, paint, wall coating materials etc.) wereinvestigated within this study. The measurements were conducted in a test chamber understandardized conditions (23C, 50%) and different ventilation rates. Chemical measurements(TVOC) and sensory assessments (odor intensity, perceived air quality) were done after the3rd day of building material exposure to standardized conditions. The increased ventilationrate does not evoke adequate response in subjective sensory assessment as well in decreasingof odor indicator level. The source control appears as more effective then ineffectiveincreasing of air change level. The impact of ventilation rate on perceived indoor air qualitypollution from selected building materials will be discussed within the paper.