H.Kojima and K.Nagano
Bibliographic info:
Radon in the Living Environment, 1999, Athens, Greece

To clarify the mechanism of radon transport from soil to surface, long term continuous measurementsof radon exhalation were conducted at one site in combination with measurements of radon concentration in soil gas, soil temperature, pressure difference, soil moisture and meteorological parameters. Based on the results of measurements over a two year period, the influence of meteorological and soil parameters on the exhalation was estimated. From the long-term data, it was found that the main influencing factors on the variation of the hourly exhalation data were the water content in the soil and the pressure difference between the surface and the soil air. A time-dependent radon transport model was numerically solved as a function of the pressure difference and the water content profile in the soil. The predicted exhalation rates from the model agreed quite well with the observed ones. To clarify the mechanism of radon transport from soil to surface, long term continuous measurements of radon exhalation were conducted at one site in combination with measurements of radon concentration in soil gas, soil temperature, pressure difference, soil moisture and meteorological parameters. Based on the results of measurements over a two year period, the influence of meteorological and soil parameters on the exhalation was estimated. From the long-term data, it was found that the main influencing factors on the variation of the hourly exhalation data were the water content in the soil and the pressure difference between the surface and the soil air. Radon is emanated from solid grains and transports in soil pore filled with air and water. The emanated radon further is distributed between the water and gas phases in the soil pores. Also, the radon transports primarily by diffusion and advection mechanisms in soil pores. So, multi-phase radon generation and transport model is required to simulate radon transport under realistic conditions. Also, most of the model has included time-varying parameters such as atmospheric pressure and soil moisture. Therefore, data obtained in measurements cannot be adequately explained without timedependent modeling. In this study, a multi-phase, time-dependent radon transport model was numerically solved as a function of the pressure difference and the water content profile in the soil. The predicted exhalation rates from the model agreed quite well with the observed ones.