That research is based on the assumption that there are differences among normal subjects as to their vulnerability to stress-related symptoms to health/illnessThe study aims at increasing the understanding of SBS complaints in relation to personality factors.A relationship between personality characteristics and health-related behaviors, and between personality characteristics and perceived health is demonstrated. The main findings were significant associations between anxiety and indirect aggression with ocular, nasal , throat and dermal symptoms, as well as headache and tiredness.The results of that study support the hypothesis that personality plays a role in the individual response to indoor exposures and environmental stressors.
The influence of personality, measured by the Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP), on symptoms among subjects in suspected sick buildings.
Bibliographic info:
Indoor Air , Vol. 14, N° 6, December 2004, pp 394-404; 5 Tab., 50 Ref.