This paper outlines the living conditions that can occur in the proximity of buildings and the significance of the wind velocities that can be established, for example for shopping centres when these include high-rise buildings or for patio schools when these are to be suitable for education in the open air. It also illustrates how natural ventilation in the building occurs and describes the influence of the wind on mechanical ventilation systems. The possibility of drawing contaminated air or fuel gases from the building's own boiler plant into the supply air of the building's ventilation system is discussed. Means of investigating these problems in a wind-tunnel are demonstrated.
The influence of wind on and in buildings. Windinvloed om en in gebouwen.

Bibliographic info:
De Ingenieur, Vol 82, No 31, 31 July 1970, p106-113. 20 figs. #DATE 31:07:1970 in Dutch