Urbikain, M.K.; Mvuama, M.C.; García Gáfaro, C.; Sala Lizarraga, J.M.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

The trend to reduce energy losses through enclosures (walls and windows) is an increasingly important part of improving the energy efficiency of a building. Adequate window design and orientation can reduce the heating and cooling requirements of a building.
An optimization process was undertaken for a single-zone building envelope, based on the climate of the Basque Country and using a parametric study of annual heating requirements, according to glazing type and orientation. Two software were used in the analysis: WINDOW 5.2 for window thermal performance and TRNSYS 16 for building thermal simulation.
The results of the study were applied to the case of a single-family dwelling to predict energy savings for heating, based on the recommended window type for each orientation.