Interest in the UK regarding the design of passively ventilated and cooled buildings has resulted in much work on the thermal performance and likely environmental impact of such buildings. Little work assessing the impact of the passive design approach on the construction process has been undertaken. This issue is examined herein, through the initial development of a methodology quantifying the relationship between passive environmental control (PEC) and the construction process, leading to a means of classifying buildings according to their prefabrication strategy. The authors suggest the technologies involved in implementing PEC strategies lend themselves to a prefabricated construction strategy, resulting in improved quality, reduced construction costs and a shorter construction period. A glossary of terms (italicised at their first use) with a specific meaning in the context of this paper is provided after the conclusions
An initial attempt to determine the impact of passive design technologies on the construction of buildings.
Bibliographic info:
UK, CIBSE, 1996, proceedings of CIBSE/ASHRAE Joint National Conference Part Two, held Harrogate, 29 September - 1 October 1996, Volume 1, pp 138-147.