The sensitivity to time resolution of boundary conditions is studied for dynamic integrated simulation of thermal and electrical networks of a net zero energy residential neighborhood. Main energy demands orig-inate from domestic electricity consumption of appli-ances and an electricity driven heat pump for space heating and domestic hot water production, whereas local energy supply is provided by building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems.Large simultaneity of net power supply at building level within a residential district results in strong un-derestimation of grid over-voltages for hourly irradi-ance data. The use of minutely meteorological data is critical for assessment of power losses due to inverter switch-offs caused by grid voltage increases. On the demand side, the main deviation is found in a possi-ble correlation of heat pump power demands for SH or DHW but not in the stochastic nature of domestic elec-tricity consumption. Here, sub-hourly demand proļ¬les are less critical if they are not used in grid balancing control strategies at building level.