Peter Holzer, et al.
Languages: English | Pages: 213 pp
Bibliographic info:
Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme, Annex 80 Resilient Cooling of Buildings

This report summarizes an assessment of current State-of-the Art resilient cooling strategies and technologies. It is a result of a collaborative work conducted by participants members of IEA EBC Annex 80. This report consists of four chapters.

In the first chapter are included relevant technologies and strategies that contribute to reducing heat loads to people and indoor environments. These technologies/strategies include Advanced window/glazing and shading technologies, Cool envelope materials, Evaporative Envelope Surfaces, Ventilated Envelope Surfaces and Heat Storage and Release.

In the second chapter are assessed cooling strategies and technologies that are responsible for removing sensible heat in indoor environments: Ventilative cooling, Evaporative Cooling, Compression refrigeration, Desiccant cooling system, Ground source cooling, Night sky radiative cooling and High-temperature cooling systems.

In the third chapter various typologies of cooling strategies and technologies are assessed inside the framework of enhancing personal comfort apart from space cooling. This group of strategies/technologies comprise of: Vertical-axis ceiling fans and horizontal-axis wall fans (such fixed fans differ from pure PCS in that they may be operated under imposed central control or under group or individual control), Small desktop-scale fans or stand fans, Furniture-integrated fan jets, Devices combining fans with misting/evaporative cooling, Cooled chairs, with convective/conductive cooled heat absorbing surfaces, Cooled desktop surfaces, Workstation micro-air-conditioning units, some including phase change material storage, Radiantly cooled panels (these are currently less for PCS than for room heat load extraction), Conductive wearables, Fan-ventilated clothing ensembles, Variable clothing insulation: flexible dress codes and variable porosity fabrics.

In the fourth chapter technologies and strategies pertinent to removing latent heat from indoor environments are assessed. This group includes Desiccant dehumidification, Refrigeration dehumidification, Ventilation dehumidification, and Thermos-electric dehumidification.