Sets out the mathematical techniques for determining 1 the most likely position of the condensation plane, 2 the limiting humidity at a given room temperature, below which condensation will not accumulate within the structure, 3 the rate at which condensate is likely to accumulate at the plane if the relative humidity within the structure persistently exceeds the limiting humidity. The technique is a graphical one and assumes that the conditions chosen for the purpose of the analysis remain constant indefinitely, a condition known as "steady state". Warnings are given on the limitations of the steady state approach to the analysis of heat and vapour flow situations, and advice is given on the interpretation of the results. A few hints are given to those interested in writing a simple computer program to use the techniques described.
Interstitial condensation. Assessment of risk.
Bibliographic info:
GLC Bulletin 141, Item 9 (Committee date 2/84). Building Technical File, April 1984, No 5, p33-36. 8 figs, 2 tabs.