The energy utilization of a country can be evaluated using exergy analysis, which is a way to asustainable development, to gain insights into its efficiency. The authors have conducted variousstudies on analyzing the energy utilization efficiencies of Turkey and extended here these studiesby dealing with the investigation of the thermodynamic parameters in the Turkish residentialcommercialsector (TRCS). These parameters are determined for the components of the TRCS inan attempt to assess their individual performances and are also compared to each other, while theanalysis is done based on the actual data. The present study has clearly indicated the necessity ofthe planned studies towards increasing exergy efficiencies in the sector studied and especially thecritical role of policymakers in establishing effective energy-efficiency delivery mechanismsthroughout the country.
Investigating the Thermodynamic Parameters of the Residential- Commercial Sector: An Application of Turkey

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)