Vera Gutul, Iolanda Colda, Enache Dumitru, Alexandru Gutul
Bibliographic info:
Climamed Congress Lyon, France 20-21 November 2006 - "Indoor air quality " pp 8 -

The present study treats a way to realize a local ventilation installation that collects the airlet out by a flat source. The experimental installation will be presented as well as the methodology and the apparatus with the help of the experimental measures where taken. In the end there are presented also the results obtained and their analysis.In this paper research was done on the influence of the constructive parameters of the proposedinstallation on its efficiency. The statistic methods of the experiment planning were used to resolve this problem. These methods admit the description of the studied process with sufficient precision.For the planning of the experiment, according to the Bocs D. and Wilson C. method, a centralorthogonal plan of composition of the experiment of type 2k+2k+1 was used.As a result of the mathematical data processing and calculation of the regression coefficients, amathematical model of necessary absorption air flow, (regression equation) was obtained. Theregression equation will allow us to analyse the influence of constructive parameters on theabsorption air flow and to establish their optimal values.The researched installation activated local absorption ventilation system may be recommended forindustrial use, such as textile, leather and, colouring production.