Discusses in general terms the problem with formaldehyde in schools in Cologne, reported by Deimel (abstract no.803). Considers problems of ventilating school buildings to reduce the concentration of formaldehyde. Discusses toxicity of formaldehyde and reports a survey of 37 children from one of the Cologne schools. Measurements of formic acid and formaldehyde in the childrens' urine were made after 7 hours of exposure and after 17 exposure-free hours. Concludes that current standards should be adhered to.
Investigation of the burden on people from formaldehyde in schools and living rooms. Untersuchungen uber die Belastung des Menschen durch Formaldehyd in Schul- und Wohnraumen.

Bibliographic info:
IN "Organische Verunreinigungen in der Umwelt" K.Aurand et al p.429-435 Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 1977