This paper describes the results of indoor air quality and ventilation rate during winter in 12Japanese houses that are suspected to be sick houses, judging from the occupants healthcondition. Three methods of measuring the ventilation rate, i.e. the PFT method, the constantconcentration method and the measurement of airflow at inlet/outlet, are compared. Each ofthe methods has its own characteristics and differences in the results obtained are shown. Forindoor air quality, formaldehyde and VOC concentration in the air and the spaces in the insidewall are measured. Formaldehyde concentrations found in all the houses are below theguideline values. On the other hand, VOC concentration is observed beyond the guidelinevalues in three-quarters of the investigated houses. Sources of pollutants are estimated bycomparing concentrations at three places, i.e. indoor air, the spaces in the inside wall and thesurface of surrounding walls. The relationship between indoor air quality and ventilation rateis highlighted.
Investigation of indoor air quality and ventilation rate for sick houses in Japan

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 1., pp 217-223, 6 Fig., 3 Tab., 5 Ref.