Continues an investigation of surface pressures on models in a boundary layer wind tunnel. Part One gave results of measurements on isolated models, Part Two considered the same models in arrays of various densities. Gives vertical distribution of pressure coefficients measured on the centre line of windward and leeward faces of all the models in various layout densities. Discusses the effects of varying layout density, aspect ratio and roughness fetch. Includes 64 graphs of pressure coefficients.
An investigation of wind forces on three-dimensional roughness elements in a simulated atmospheric boundary layer flow< Part 2. Flow over large arrays of identical roughness elements and the effect of frontal and side ratio variations.

Bibliographic info:
Dept of Building Science, University of Sheffield, Report BS 56, July 1980, 81p, 64 figs., 22 refs. #DATE 01:07:1980 in English #AIC 326