The low energy retrofit of the UK existing building stock is an urgent matter after the government’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 80% until 2050. This research addressed the question of whether it is preferable to refurbish in an extensive way or to chose a retrofit strategy with lower capital cost, embodied energy and CO2, tackling issues of cost – effectiveness, embodied and operational energy throughout the lifecycle of an existing Victorian house in London. The indicator Cost per Ton carbon Saved (CTS) was used, which resulted in higher values for the EnerPHit retrofit model, rendering it a less viable alternative. It was also concluded that retrofitting, in general and especially the application of EnerPHit, are an appealing option only with rising gas prices, low discount rates and long lifespans. Those results were even more amplified when climate change was taken into account, a conclusion very important for the application of future legislation and the possible transfer of this study to other climates.
Lifecycle Costing of Low Energy Housing Refurbishment: A case study of a 7 year retrofit in Chester Road, London

Bibliographic info:
8th Windsor Conference, 10-13 April, 2014, Windsor UK