The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has recently released two new programs, LightCAD and LightPAD, to enhance the design and application of lighting in commercial buildings. LightCAD is a companion program to AutoCAD and is used by lighting designers and drafts persons to design more energy-efficient lighting systems in new buildings. LightCAD 2.0 is an advanced lighting layout too I in the CAD environment aimed at improving basic lighting in standard commercial environment-it is not a highly sophisticated analysis tool for detailed or specialized lighting analysis. LightCAD 2.0 features include a library of "generic "fixtures for reference; the ability to import fixture data in IES format, ceiling grid placement and fixture layout capability, tabulation of fixtures, controls, connected Watts, and total building kW and kWh; a library of utility lighting rebate programs and the ability to add new ones using EPRI's LREP Program; and the ability to prepare an export file for the ASHRAE/IES Lighting Code-Checking Routine. LightCAD 2.0 also contains a new sub?routine, BEEM, for analysis of daylighting options. LightPAD is a simple but powerfull lighting audit and analysis tool for assessing installed lighting systems and proposing cost?effective and energy-efficient retrofit alternatives. LightPAD enables on-site data entry to the analysis program, improving both speed and accuracy by removing the step of making hand-written field notes. It also makes possible on-site analysis so that estimated lighting values in a room can be checked in the field and adjusted if necessary. In addition, it allows the auditor to analyze retrofit options and present estimates to the building owner/operator on the first visit. Such improvements in auditor productivity and accuracy can have major impacts on utility incentive programs.
LightCAD and lightPAD two new programs for improving the design and application if lighting in buildings
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Australia, 1993, p. 517-523