The conceptual theory and qualitative structure of a model for the evaluation of life safety in building fires is presented The model is based on a hierarchical framework, which is then overlain with an interactive network to represent the inter?relationships between the factors directly or indirectly determining life safety Representation of time in fire events is made using five discrete notional am stages corresponding to the characteristic Phases of escape. The model is a systemic approach to life safety in fires. It is applicable to any building/occupancy/fire definable scenario and at the design, in?use, or post-fire stages. In its current form LISA can be used for malting comparative safety evaluations, also assessments of the implications of changes to design, occupancy, and/ or modes of use of buildings. LISA may hence be used as a design?optimisation tool.
LISA: a systemic model for the evaluation of life safety in building fires
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Australia, 1993, p. 547-553