Throughout architectural history, local buildings have used great in providing the most comfortable internal conditions possible within the exigencies and constraintsof local climate.In Iraqis climates, accelerating airflow through induces evaporative cooling and across spaces, ensuring that directsunshine cannot penetrate the building and the thermalcapacity of massive structure is used to insulate and take up heat during the day and release it at night when it is cooler. Heavy mass buildings with shaded courtyardsare common in these regions which usually have a large diurnal temperature range; advantage is taken of evaporative cooling from pools and even the soothing sound qualities of running water in fountains; sand and dust are further factors requiring consideration. Houses tend to employ a combination of these measures, the particular mix tuned to suit local microclimatic characteristics.Thus we have the wind towers of Iraq, built to cool the Coliseum.The vernacular Iraqi houses join the category of the selective architecture in relation with environment, the spatial-volumetric and detail outlook deriving from the adaptation to the environment conditions, result in a kind of architecture with strong specific features.
The local microclimate effects on bio-climatically investigative process in Iraq

Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007