Fujimura, J.; Kobayahsi, H.; Ichihara, H.; Ichihara, M.; Hiwatashi, K.
Bibliographic info:
The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings IAQVEC 2007, Oct. 28 - 31 2007, Sendai, Japan

Sick building syndrome, which has become a major public concern in recent years, is caused in part byvolatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by building materials. In order to ensure the safety of ourenvironment, it is necessary to predict indoor VOCs concentrations over a long period of time.Long-term prediction of VOCs concentration requires the consideration of the influence of temperaturechanges, and there is a need for a simple prediction method that can be used for this purpose. Theprediction methods that have been proposed thus far, however, do not meet this requirement. In orderto develop a reliable prediction method, therefore, it is necessary to investigate the temperaturedependence of the emission factor and accumulate data on a wide variety of building materials. Thispaper briefly describes the proposed simple long-term prediction model that considers the temperaturedependence of building materials. To consider temperature dependence, the concept of "equivalentmaterial age" is introduced as a parameter for the acceleration or deceleration of emission due totemperature changes. An example of an analysis using the method and concept mentioned above isalso shown. The next report (Part 2) will outline the verification experiment conducted for the purposesof this study and describe the results of comparative verification results.