The issue of sound quality in offices and other occupied spaces has been of continuing interest since the 1950s. Existing assessment methods do not adequately account for the Low-frequency background sound ( < 250 Hz) produced by operating heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, in particular, Low-frequency rumble. This paper discusses the results of ASHRAE-sponsored research in which more than 75 HVAC noise samples were collected, normalized, and categorized in terms of sound quality. The results support previous findings that a neutral curve has a slope of approximately -5 decibels (dB) per octave. There is also support for the contention that the balanced noise criterion B (NCB) curves are overly conservative in the region from 63 to 500 Hz and overly permissive below 63 Hz when compared with the room criteria (RC) curves. A modified set of room sound quality ( RSQ) curves-the room sound quality ( RSQ) curves-is proposed.
Low frequency noise assessment metrics - what do we know?
Bibliographic info:
USA, Ashrae Transactions, 1994, Part 2, pp 380-388