Scivyer C R
Languages: English | Pages: 13 pp
Bibliographic info:
UK, Building Research Establishment, Report BR 267, 1994

This report is one of a series giving practical advice on methods of reducing radon levels in existing dwellings. It deals specifically with dwellings, and supplements the general guidance given in The householders' guide to radon 1, obtainable from local environmental health officers or from the Department of the Environment. This report offers advice on radon-protective measures that can be taken during the planning and implementation of major alteration or conversion works to a building in radon-affected areas. It describes how certain precautionary measures can help to reduce indoor radon levels, and can make it easier to resolve any future radon problem. This is particularly relevant when converting redundant farm or other out-buildings into living accommodation, or carrying out major works such as floor replacement in older properties.