Air infiltration and ventilation rate measurements were made during all seasons of the year in eight federal office buildings using an automatic air infiltration system designed at the National Bureau of Standards. The eight federal office buildings were located in Anchorage, Alaska; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Columbia, South Carolina; Fayetteville, Arkansas; Huron, South Dakota; Norfolk, Virginia; Pittsfield, Massachusetts; and Springfield, Massachusetts. These Buildings ranged in size from 1730 m2 (18600 ft2) for the building in Pittsfield to 45000 m2 (490000 ft2) for the Anchorage federal building. All were constructed within the last 10 years. Air infiltration rates were found to vary from 0.2 to 0.7 air changes per hour and constituted from 23% to 61% of the building design load. Minimum ventilation rates in the tighter buildings wer found to beless than what would be recommended for occupied offices.
Measured air infiltration and ventilation rates in eight large office buildings.

Bibliographic info:
Measured air leakage of buildings. A symposium on performance of building constructions, Philadelphia 2-3 April 1984. ASTM Special Technical Publication 904. Edited by H R Trechsel and P L Lagus. ASTM 1986. p151-183. 21 figs, 20tabs, 6 refs.