When a person is located in a contaminant field with significant gradients the contaminant field will be modified locally due to the entrainment and transport of contaminated air in the human boundary layer as well as due to the effect of the person acting as an obstacle to the flow field, etc. In this paper personal exposure measurements are performed by means of the Breathing Thermal Manikin. Contaminant concentration is measured in a number of locations in the breathing zone and in the inhaled air. Two cases are investigated: exposure to different contaminant sources in a displacement ventilated room and in a uniform flow field. The measurements show a significant local modification of the contaminant field close to the person affecting the personal exposure. The results also show that significant concentration differences can be found throughout the breathing zone.
Measurement of personal exposure using a breathing thermal manikin.

Bibliographic info:
Denmark, Aalborg University, Dept of Building Technology and Structural Engineering, Indoor Environmental Technology, Paper No 73