Waters J R, Brouns C E
Bibliographic info:
13th AIVC Conference "Ventilation for Energy Efficiency and Optimum Indoor Air Quality", Nice, France, 14-18 September 1992

Avery largeelectronics factory had beencompletely refurbished, and new mechanical ventilation systems installed. In an area of the factory where the principal activity was the bench assembly of small components, there were persistent complaints of eye nose and throat irritations, and absenteeism among the workforce was excessive. Careful examination of the environment had failed to identify any significant contaminants in the air. The situationwas similar to the SickBuilding Syndrome in office buildings. The problem was investigated by measurements of Ventilation Parameters, using the theory and techniques described in AIVC Technical Notes 28 and 28.2. Pulse, stepup, and decay measurements were carried out, and the results analysed to give air changeefficiency, contaminant removal effectiveness, local air quality index, dosage index and transfer index. The results showed that the principal source of air entering the area was not the mechanical ventilation system. This made it difficult to interpret thevalues obtained for air change efficiency. However, the results for thecontaminant removal parameters were consistent w ith the problems experienced by the workforce. The paper describes thedifficulties of conductingventilation effectiveness parameters in a complex industrial environment. Results are presented which show consistency in the determination of some parameters, and how these suggested solutions for this particular building.