Presents the results to date of the use of the multiple tracer gas technique to determine interzonal airflow and ventilation rates in large, multicelled buildings like offices. This work is part of a wider project designed toextend knowledge of natural ventilation in all types of buildings other than dwellings. The work presented includes an experiment in a naturally ventilated office building using an automated system connected to infrared analysers dedicated to each of three gases, and results from a similar experiment on a mechanically ventilated office building using a more sophisticated version of the system interfaced to a single multicomponent infrared analyser.
Measurements of intercell airflows in large buildings using multiple tracer gases.
Bibliographic info:
Energy Savings in Buildings. Results of the European Communities Energy R&D and Demonstration Programmes (1979-1983). Proceedings of the International Seminar, The Hague, Netherlands, 14-16 November 1983. Edited by H Ehringer, U Zito.