States that poor ventilation is a factor in raising humidity levels in well insulation cold climate housing. Aimed to look at the ventilation rates in houses with varying ventilation systems, noting indoor air humidity, domestic mite allergen levels and VOCs. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure levels in 59 similar one-storey single family houses. 22 houses had an added mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system. Concludes that mechanical ventilation increases the possibility of reaching an ACH of greater than or equal to 5 which protects against high indoor humidity levels which lead to mite infestation and indoor air pollutants in winter.
Mechanical ventilation protects one-storey single-dwelling houses against increased air humidity, domestic mite allergens and indoor pollutants in a cold climatic region.

Bibliographic info:
Clinical and Experimental Allergy, Vol 28, 1998, pp 1389-1396, 4 figs, 2 tabs, 30 refs.