Iulia Ionita, Anca Nicolau
Bibliographic info:
RoomVent 2004, 9th international conference in University of Coimbra - Portugal, 5-8th september 2004, pp4, 4 Fig., 4 Tab., 4 Ref.

The microbiological quality of air was studied in a bread-making factory (100t/day). It wasnoticed that the microorganism density varies along the fabrication hall, a high number of microorganisms, especially moulds, being registered in the bread cooling area and the storage room. In the bread cooling area predominate Penicilllium expansum spores, this mould being able to develop at low aw values and determining the bread spoilage. In order to extend the bread shelf life, which caused problems to the bread, making company it is necessary to improve the air circulation within the bread cooling area. Our team suggested a solution for modifying the air circulation and minimising the air spores content.