The techniques available for the simulation of the complex geometries common in air diffusers are quite different from the ones optimized for a complete room simulation. For this reason the full room simulation usually neglects the complexities of the diffusers introducing ad hoc boundary conditions
often requiring extensive experimental setups for a correct definition. An alternative approach could be the use of numerical analysis for the diffuser characterization. In this work a detailed analysis
of a perforated plate type diffuser is performed, particular effort has been devoted to the perforated
plate modeling comparing different possible approaches. The simulation has been carried out using the commercial code FLUENT 6.1.
Modeling of Components for the Numerical Simulation of a Perforated Plate Diffuser at Different Working Conditions

Bibliographic info:
RoomVent 2004, 9th international conference in University of Coimbra - Portugal, 5-8th september 2004, pp 4, 8 Fig., 6 Ref.