This paper presents the theoretical modelling work of an elementary urban units (street), thermal behaviour. The calculation code Codyflow was set up as a way to model the thermal response (structure surface temperature and ambient air temperature) of an urban system to the solicitations of the outside climate. The determination of the air temperature in an urban unit allows the calculation of the DTu-r factor representing the difference between the air temperature in the urban system (u) and the air temperature recorded at the closest meteorological station (r), generally situated in the country side. This factor, introduced by OKE, enables the analysis of the heat island generated by an urban system. The simulation results obtained from the Codyflow code, enable the study of the intensity of the DTu-r factor in relation to various parameters : physical and geometrical configurations, presence of air flow solicitations...
Modelling of the heat Island generated by an urban unit
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 5, 1997, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 41-48