Brian Bradley, Mark Riley
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Nice, France, 1991, p. 517-520

Hot-2000 is a computer model which assists builders, engineers, and architects in the design and simulation of residential buildings for thermal effectiveness, passive solar heating, and the operation and performance of heating and cooling systems. Many of the basic heat loss algorithms were derived or adapted from the National Research Council of Canada's HOTCAN 3.0 program. Major additions and modifications have been made, mainly in the simulation of heating, ventilation and cooling systems. Weather data libraries are available for 76 Canadian locations and for 194 U.S. locations. The program includes facilities for viewing and editing weather data and fuel cost rate structures. An economics model may be used to estimate the payback of energy conservation measures. All reports may be viewed on screen, printed directly, or saved in ASCII files for later printing by either a built in or an separate print spooling utility. Either a mouse or keyboard may be used for navigation through the program menus and editing screens. Both MsDos and Macintosh versions are available for use.