The paper describes a proposal for low-cost, low embodiedenergy, passively-cooled social housing in Limassol, Cyprus, using a simple universally available recycled prefabricationsystem. This system, using redundant shipping containers, has already been developed by the authors.The systems strategies, with regard to the choice of materials and their consequent transportation; its simpleconstruction method and very short time of erection and its provision for recycling and minimum waste, are inherently sustainable. Via the introduction of bioclimaticdesign strategies that deal with strategic orientation,natural ventilation, direct solar gain, thermal mass, solar control and shading, the system provides an excellentsolution for carbon neutral low cost housing.The paper describes the further development of the constructionsystem by its application to the specific cultural,economic and climatic contexts of Cyprus. Here a series of possible strategies were proposed and evaluatedclimatically and one integrated pilot scheme was then developed in further detail.
Modular Passively-Cooled Social Housing using recycled ISO shipping containers;a proposal for Limassol, Cyprus

Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007