Succeeding to the experimental investigations in the two test rooms at FhG the results provide for acommon exercise in context of the IEA-Annex 41 project to validate several simulation tools. Theintention of this common exercise is to simulate two real test rooms which are located at the outdoortesting site of the Fraunhofer-Institute of building physics in Holzkirchen. During the winter time testswere carried out with the aim to compare the measurements with the models developed within theIEA-Annex 41 project. As moisture buffering material served gypsum boards. For all participants of thecommon exercise a detailed description of the test rooms about the constructions and boundaryconditions is available. All necessary material data and information about the ventilation rate andmoisture productions are given. The results of the measurements show the influence of differentmaterials in comparison to the relative humidity in the rooms. All results of the calculations arecompared and analyzed regarding to the measurement results.

Bibliographic info:
The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings IAQVEC 2007, Oct. 28 - 31 2007, Sendai, Japan