A more efficient use of energy in the built environment is absolutely necessary. Using theexergy concept delivers more complete information on the use of the energy flows withinbuildings and opens up room for further improvements within the field. The aim of this studyis to gain deeper insight into how the energy is being used in two already efficient buildingsystems, namely a balanced ventilation system with heat recovery and a solar thermal systemfor space heating supply. Furthermore, desirable optimization chances for them will bepinpointed. The results of energy and exergy analyses of a first study on a typical buildingwith both systems are compared. Annual dynamic simulations were carried out for the spaceheating case. Another major aim of the present study is to show the key differences betweenenergy and exergy analyses of energy systems in buildings.
More sustainable buildings through exergy analysis – Solar thermal and/or ventilation systems?-

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)